The cranial dural system is an important system that is often assessed in a newborn/child’s Chiropractic appointment. 👶
The cranial dural system can seem quite complicated. The dural system includes the dura, a membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord 🧠, one of its functions is to protect your central nervous system. The dura is one of 3 membranes known as meninges and these attach from the brain and spinal cord all the way down to the sacrum, often referred to as the Reciprocal Tension Membranes. The main function of the RTM is to support the brain and provide a balance of tension, it also provides feedback to the brain about tension and position of the spine.
Tension at one point of the dural system can not only cause pain and discomfort 😣 but it can also restrict movement. We often see this with babies who favour one side. This favouring can be due to dural tension which makes it uncomfortable for them to turn their head a certain direction.
Another important function of the dural system is in relation to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF is a clear fluid that surrounds our brain and spinal cord. CSF functions to cushion the central nervous system, transport nutrients and also to remove waste. CSF is vital to the nervous system and the uninterrupted flow of it is important for a healthy nervous system, for growth and development. Tension within the dural system can cause an interruption to the flow of CSF which is another reason why balance through the dural system is important.
Tension in this system can be caused by a number of factors. Most commonly we see tension occurring as a result of childbirth as the process can be a lot on their little bodies and nervous system, particularly if forceps and vacuum is used. Having your baby assessed by a chiropractor can help identify areas of tension. Very gentle treatment that looks like gentle stretches is used to correct these areas of tension allowing flow of CSF and a balanced dorsal system for a happier healthier baby. 🧒👦👧
For more information about assessment of your child, call us on 9572-0277 or book an appointment with Dr Kate online